Vehicles for defense

This campaign prioritizes the acquisition of sport utility vehicles, trucks, and vans for use by Ukrainian citizens and defenders as ambulances and for the transport of critical supplies and aid between the front lines and logistics hubs in the West. The UFF has so far provided dozens of vehicles to Ukraine.

This includes sprinter vans for the transport and deployment of humanitarian drones, refrigerated busses for the dignified transfer of fallen Ukrainians to their families for burial with honors, SUVs for the rapid deployment of humanitarian aid, replacement vehicles for those destroyed by Russian artillery, and makeshift ambulances to deliver wounded Ukrainians to lifesaving care within the critical “golden hour” when chances of survival are highest.

UFF attempts to satisfy specific needs where efforts of other charities are absent or insufficient. UFF will nominate additional projects in the future. All fundraising overflows past our targets will be allocated to new projects.


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Together we will create a free, independent, and democratic Ukraine where Ukrainians and people of other nationalities will have the right to freely associate and express their will in an open civil society free from corruption.